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Friday, October 1, 2010

Self Portrait

Who Am I?

     The following is a portrait of who I perceive myself to be at this moment, whether or not this is how others perceive me, I cannot say, but ultimately the only perception that truly matters is my own. I re-enrolled in college two semesters ago, after a fifteen year break. During that time, I married, (much too young, at eighteen) had a child with that husband, divorced after four years, and after some time as a single mom, married my current(and final)husband, with whom I share another child.  My husband and I own our own business, a small construction company, which allows me the flexibility and financial means to attend school, for which I am extremely thankful.
     My college experience this second time around is vastly different than when I first attended right after high school graduation. At that time, I wasn’t interested in school at all; to me college seemed more of an obligation than a privilege. I was more interested in going out “clubbing” than I was interested in learning. This time around I appreciate the opportunity so much more; I’m like a sponge, eager to soak up all the knowledge I possibly can.  It saddens me when I see some of the younger students in my current classes have much the same attitude as I did at their age, not appearing to care or put much effort into their learning experience. I feel like shaking them and telling them, “Pay attention! This is your life, don’t waste it! If you’re going to come to class make the most of it! Don’t let your future slip away by wasting your college years, drinking, doing drugs and clubbing; life is about so much more than those things that seem so important right now.”

     So, besides being married with two kids, working in our family business, being back in college after an extended break, who am I? That’s not all that makes me, me is it? I hope not.  I am someone who wants to experience every moment to the fullest.  Some things I enjoy in life are: the sun, reading mystery novels and non-fiction related to neurology, cheering for my kids as they play on their sports teams or perform on stage, flying across the surface of the ocean in our boat,  eating good food, experiencing the beauty of nature, photography, Dove milk chocolate, being in a place where there is complete silence, painting water-colors, driving by myself-75 miles per hour in my convertible with the top down and music blasting,(late 80’s early 90’s mostly, think Beastie Boys and Tribe Called Quest, to freestyle like Debbie Deb) going to the beach, yoga, scrabble, Sudoku, live theater, opera, art museums, going to the movies, being pampered at the spa, but what I like most is laughing and making others laugh with me.

     Looking at myself at a deeper level, my core values, or what is most important to have in myself and find in others with whom I choose to spend time are: honesty, kindness, dependability, a strong work ethic, determination, curiosity, a sense of humor, playfulness, adventure, and a positive outlook.  If I am able to complete the following list during my life, I will have met all my goals. Wish me luck.

1.    Work to keep my relationship with my husband strong, so we will continue to stay connected and enjoy living life with each other throughout the years as we grow old.

2.    Love, encourage, and guide my kids to believe in themselves, and grow into well adjusted, productive members of society. Keep our family relationship strong throughout the generations.

3.    Continue my college education through the doctoral level in the field of neurology, but always keep         learning, no matter the degree I achieve.

4.    “Pay it Forward” and inspire others to do the same.

5.    Travel the world to experience different cultures, taking photographs, painting and writing about the trips    along the way.

6.    Stay present and appreciate each moment as if it were the last.

      Well, that about sums it up, who I am, who I want to be, and what I want out of life. I have learned and experienced many things these past thirty-four years, and I am excited about living the rest of my life, moment by moment.

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